Okay so things have gotten a little dusty around here on my blog :( (I don't think anyone reads it anyway). I spent some time at a fellow scrapper/friend's house over the weekend where she held a class and she inspired me! I need to scrap more! She has 5 children and home school's them and still finds the time to scrap, submit work for design teams and blog about all of it on a regular basis! So what if I work full time, I can find time to do this!Right?? Well I'll keep trying anyway :)
I'm actually working on a little book of my Mom. I should have started it when I posted those pictures but the avoidance monster reared its ugly head! Better late than never though, and I've been working pretty diligently so I hope to have it finished soon. I'm actually quite pleased with how it's turning out so far and can't wait to post pictures...even if no one is looking :p